Service You Deserve. People You Trust.



Kline Properties

In its historical context, Kline Properties, started as a prominent player in the Austin, Texas real estate arena, specializing in real estate brokerage, property management, and real estate acquisition and development.

Throughout its history, Kline Properties has maintained a dedicated and well-trained team of real estate professionals. These professionals have consistently striven to deliver exceptional service to their clients and customers, reflecting the company’s commitment to excellence.

When Kline Properties was started in 2002 and for 20-plus years, it took great pride in serving as a comprehensive, one-stop destination for student housing needs near the University of Texas (UT). Over time, and most recently, the company profile has changed; Kline Properties is no longer active in student housing in Austin.

Kline Properties owns various properties in Texas but partners with several larger management companies that oversee the daily operations.


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(512) 499-0001